Okay guys, I finally got my dream parka. And it comes with a pretty little story..

Once upon a time (I guess octobre 2010 or something..) I passed by the New Yorker In Rotterdam while on my way to the Primark. But then my eyes got caught by a beautiful parka shown behind the window of the store. I tried to set my mind of the thing because I thought it was kind of expensive. But on my way back after shopping at Primark I couldn't resist to try it on. So I did and I kind of accidentally immediately fell in love. But my bank account needed to be fed before I could take home this baby.
Then, months later, we met again.. This time it was half-prized. But it was already may, and I know myself better than that; when I've got a new purchase, chances are (big!) that I might hate it two months later. So I said to myself, No, you have had your chance, now go score some sunny flowerdresses. So I did not buy it...
Stupid me!!
And then it got colder and older again, and I got to thinking about the parka. And then, on a day when I had least expected it, I saw it again, hanging there, all alone, only one size left, MY size! Not half-prized but I couldn't care less, I never doubted and immediatly ran to the counter to buy this nice and warm jacket.
And now it's mine and I get a lot of compliments about it and I love it!
Oh and what I was also wearing?
Shoes; H&M (from the previous post)
Kneehighs; Pull&Bear
Thights; Zeeman
Scarf; Primark
Ps; Okay, I might have cheated a little bit. I own this parka for a while already, but I never found the time to take pictures to tell you about it, and the weather didn't collaborate either. But you guys don't really mind do you? Forgive me?