
donderdag 15 november 2012

I love Forever 21!

 Wow, this is a downright shame. The frequence of my blogposts, it really is a shame. At the moment I am really busy with my study, work but also going out for dinner, parties, lunches and other things that are not too bad. Which results in no time to take pictures and write blogposts. But.. last week I went to Antwerp, because I have 3 girlsfriends living and studying there, and one them was celebrated her birthday. And of course the day after we went to Forever21, so that's what I wanted to share with you! I bought 2 blouses and a little black jacket. And that's not all, one of my girlfriends had a new purchase that she wasn't completely content with. A really pretty green oversized but also a bit fitted blazer from Zara. I tried it on and she said it fitted me way better than it did her, so now the beauty is mine :).

Black see-through blouse with fake leather collar (f21)
Vintage pink blouse with fake leather application on the shoulders (f21)
Half fake leather little black jacket (f21)
Green/taupe oversized blazer (Zara)

As you can see I am quite the fake leather-lover. And also studs, can't get enough of those! Bought a leopard belt with studs a while ago that I also haven't shown you guys yet, I have so much you show and tell you guys! 

I will show you some looks, combined with these purchases as soon as possible!