Mehh, I am so disappointed right now! Remember my order at The shoes and the skirt in sale? Received the package today but it only included the skirt! The shoes apparently were out of stock when packing my order. Bummer, just when I thought I had found the perfect basic black sandals.. And that's not all, the skirt doesn't fit! It's a size Small (and I had my doubts when ordering) and it seems it should have been a size Medium.
Because I was so sorry for myself I treated myself with a leather jacket. A nice, basic, real leather one. I own a fake leather jacket that I still have the hots for (this one), but sometimes I find it a bit too short in the back. This one;
You'll probably see it soon on the blog!
By the way, if you're interested in the skirt, of course I am willing to sell it to you. I will wait for a few days with sending it back.