
woensdag 12 september 2012

Better late than never

As I said, better late than never... Since I wore this outfit on sundays last week. Me and my friends went to a kind of festival/party and this is what I wore. Casual and comfortable, it was so hot that day! The shirt I am wearing is a shirt I stole from my boyfriend because it didn't fit him anymore, lucky me! Tucked in in the shorts, folded the sleeves and good to go! 


 (the color of the shoes that is displayed in the picture on top is the most accurate)

I think these boots don't get what they deserve. They've been standing in my closet for months since I last wore them in february I guess? That was when I combined them in my Pocahontas inspired look, see here. Need to wear these more often, and I will. And that's a promise.

What I wore;
Shirt; Zara Men
Shorts; Only
Belt; Vintage
Shoes; Bershka
Nail polish; Catrice - MAN, GO Tango
Necklace; New Yorker
Bracelets; Diy, Bodrum Airport, thrifted, Claire's, H&M
Headband; thrifted
Ring; Six

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wauw wat leuk! mooie benen heb je trouwens.
    Ik volg je ;)

  2. Wat een leuke outfit,
    mooie ketting zeg!
    &Inderdaad, wat een benen heb jij zeg, hallelujah!
